Discussions about earthquake risk usually focus on California. After all, California lies directly on a tectonic fault line. Earthquakes there can be devastating, and building construction largely reflects the risk of an earthquake. In recent years, there has been a...
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Year: 2024
7 steps to take after discovering a construction defect
Discovering a construction defect in your home can be a distressing experience. Whether it's a crack in the foundation, water leakage or any other issue that shouldn't exist in a newly constructed or recently renovated home, it is crucial to address these defects...
Driving while working is a leading employment risk factor
Employees in Texas can get hurt in many different ways. Agricultural workers are at risk of tractors tipping over. Factory workers can get hurt if they make a timing error while operating heavy machinery. Hospital workers and retail employees may be at risk of...
Third parties are responsible for many oil and gas worker deaths
Workers who take jobs in the oil and gas industry know that there is a risk related to that choice. After all, workplace incidents in the oil and grass sector often make the news. Dangerous chemicals, fires and explosions make for dramatic news segments. They can also...
What is modified comparative negligence in Texas?
People who are injured because of another person’s negligence, such as distracted driving behavior that leads to an injurious crash, may opt to pursue a personal injury claim. This enables them to seek compensation for the financial damages they’re dealing with...
3 ways people may develop life-altering brain injuries
The brain controls many aspects of someone's life, so an injury to the brain can result in a host of different concerning consequences. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can range in severity from injuries that leave someone dependent on life-support machinery to...